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Signs of an Abusive Relationship: Knowledge Every Woman Needs

What are the signs of an abusive relationship? Has a wonderful relationship suddenly seemed to sour? How can you tell if you’re at risk of being abused? If you want to prevent yourself from becoming one of the millions of women who are verbally, emotionally, and physically abused every day, then there are certain signs you should watch for.

Excessive Control

It used to be common for men to control women in relationships. Fortunately, modern people have learned that women have the same rights men do, and that no person has the right to control what another person thinks or says. One of the first signs of an abusive relationship is tight control.

If you feel like you’re being prevented from seeing friends and family, and if your husband or boyfriend acts jealous and possessive about your personal relationships, you’re being isolated and controlled. This is a very harmful form of emotional abuse, and it often becomes worse over time.
If you have to account for every penny you spend, and your spouse is asking you to do so unreasonably or denying you the ability to shop for things you need, you’re possibly being financially controlled. An agreed upon budget is one thing – but financial control is one of the signs of an abusive relationship in the making.

Anger and Blame

Additional signs of an abusive relationship are unreasonable anger, and constant blame. If your husband or boyfriend tends to become irrationally angry with you, especially over things that are completely out of your control, you’re at risk. If he blames you for things that don’t go as planned, then you need to understand that your situation could become a lot worse very quickly and easily.

An explosive temper is not normal. People who love each other are kind and forgiving. They treat each other as good friends, and they have respect for boundaries. If anger and blame are poisoning your relationship, you’ve got to do something about it.


Threats of physical violence are certain signs of an abusive relationship. People form relationships for safety and companionship. If your husband or boyfriend threatens to hit you, your kids or pets, or if he threatens to damage your possessions, it’s time to take steps to stop him.

Physical Violence

Any form of physical violence or physical manifestation of anger are signs of an abusive relationship. If your husband or boyfriend breaks things, punches things, abuses animals, or abuses you, then find a way out.

How to Stop an Abusive Relationship

Living in an abusive relationship is difficult and painful. All the signs of an abusive relationship are filled with negativity and hatred. Although abusers often feel terrible for the things they do, and even though they are often driven by a lifetime of abusive patterns, they have no right to abuse other people or animals.

Get help right away – be sure you and other family members, including pets, are safe from an angry abuser. Seek marriage counseling – a good place to start is with online marriage counseling, especially since it is often quicker and easier to find someone to talk to right away. Deciding if your relationship is worth saving can be hard, but a therapist is trained to help you cut through the muddy waters of emotional upset and make a rational decision that will help you to make the most of your future and regain happiness in your life.

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This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tina_L._Jones